Finally after all the debate and drama in the so called "legislative" houses, LOKPAL fell in the no mans land, while the whole of India was waiting for this bill to be passed with bated breath.Amongst the waffles of the house members , it seemed that LOKPAL would wade its way to the Indian constitution, though it wagged the whole time from 'ayes' to 'noes'. Arun Jaitley , spokesperson of BJP addressed the bill as a 'political cocktail' and a 'constitutional havoc' in the very beginning of the session. " You cannot mix the law under two different articles, namely article 252 and 253",jaitley pointed.He also attacked the Govt. on the CBI issue. He propped the US law and urged that CBI, the prime investigating body of the country, must be brought under the LOKPAL. Jaitely also opposed the inclusion of PRIVATE ORGANISATIONS, NGOs and any agency that doesnt take aid of any sort, from the Govt, in the LOKPAL and dint falter to call it as a "revenge provision". "Why to make a phoney LOKPAL which deviates from its prime objective of 'for the people,by the people' to 'for the Govt.,by the Govt.',",he exclaimed. According to the BJP speaker the Govt. is trying to make a "constitutionaly vulnerable" law by having a reservation quota in the election of the members of LOKPAL.Not less than 50% minorities in a lokpal consisting of 9 members, will create a Govt.bias LOKPAL, jaitley argued. Futhermore ,he showed his disappointment in the removal procedure of the lokpal's members by the supreme court. He stated that Govt. is making it tedious and time consuming by having such a baffling round-robin working mechanism of lokpal. FinalLy, under the light of numerous allegations, he concluded by pointing lokpal as unworkable and absurd. BJP also put forward mr. jethmalani ,who although normaly find a clash of thoughts with BJP, but this time he managed his views to be in treaty with BJP. He attacked the congress speaker, Mr.Singhvi's lines by quoting " power corrupts, but the prospect of losing power corrupts absolutely". At last due to the an unending war of allegations and drama, the session ended without reaching a conclusion. Now the question is who wears the crown of this victory, victory of corruption?, The Govt. , The opposition, Team anna or The General public? Well , let the crown be taken by any of the aforementioned, but it is the general public who will have to pay the price. But am sure it will return it with compound interest to the Govt. in the next elections. JAAGO INDIA JAAGO.